淨重: 1200克 (42.3安士)
最佳儲存方法: 存放於雪櫃 0 – 4 度可保存 14 天
煮食方法 :
(1) 將瑤柱金腿芋頭糕切片
(2) 在平底鍋內加少量油
(3) 用慢火將瑤柱金腿芋頭糕煎至金黃色即可食用。
*可配白, 紅或桃紅玫瑰酒
Taro Cake with Dried Scallop, Ham & Shrimp
Net weight: 1200g (42.3oz)
Best storage: keep in refrigerator ( 0 – 4 ℃ ) can last for 14 days
Cooking Method:
(1) Cut the cake into slices.
(2) Preheat frying pan (preferably non-stick) with cooking oil.
(3) Fry the cakes on low heat until golden brown and serve.
* Wine pairing: white, red or rose.